After 30 years as Midlands region treasurer, Keith Herbert has decided that now is the time to retire. Keith joined the bp society in 1992 and in 1993 took on the role of Midlands treasurer from Bernard Cookson. Keith’s previous positions in finance made him ideal for the job.
When Keith became treasurer, he worked with regional coordinators Owen Davies and Alan Evans. For some 12 years he then combined the role of regional treasurer with that of regional coordinator, returning to concentrate on his treasurer role in 2016. Since then he has worked with regional coordinators Ivor Case and Dave Roberts. Keith must surely be the longest serving regional treasurer in the society.
Throughout the years, Keith helped event organisers and others whenever needed. He attended most of the events held in the Midlands and often gave lifts to other members who might otherwise not have been able to attend. During his time as regional coordinator he was always keen to include events in all parts of this widely dispersed region.
In his early years, Keith was ably assisted by the late Henry Pinchin. Some of you may remember Henry as the region’s email contact and an ardent vintage trains buff. In the last few years, Keith has been assisted by Christina Folkes. Christina is taking over from Keith and will be assisted by Les Cheriton. Both Christina and Les joined the bp society on retirement from Fosroc, a mining and construction chemicals company.
We wish Keith a very happy second retirement and thank him for his hard work and dedication to the Midlands region and its members throughout his many years of service. Although retiring as treasurer, we are fortunate that Keith will still be with us for some time to give further help and advice as required.
Dave Roberts, Christina Folkes, Les Cheriton