About the society

This website is for bp society members only, with the aim of helping people to connect and to stay in touch. Non-members can gain access by joining the society.

The bp society helps by facilitating get togethers, organising events, making use of email, sharing news on this website, our Facebook page and newsletter. We are open to bp UK pensioners and former employees – no matter what your heritage, or where you worked.

The bp society has 11 regions who organise around 200 subsidised events each year all over the UK. In addition, there are many informal gatherings of former bp staff up and down the UK. We are a lively, enthusiastic, active organisation, a bit like an open club and are very keen to hear about new ideas and suggestions. This is your club – get in touch with us, make new friends and renew contacts and links from your bp days.

first bp society meeting

History of the bp society

The bp society was formed with the objective of providing some kind of association which would enable retired staff of bp to occasionally meet and to renew and maintain friendships made during their service with the company.

The first meeting of the newly formed bp society under the chairmanship of Lord Strathalmond took place on Wednesday, 2 May 1962 at BP House, London. To begin with a single society was proposed and accepted covering the whole of the United Kingdom but it was also accepted that at a later date members of a particular area may wish to form a local branch – and that this would ‘naturally be encouraged’. After the formal meeting had ended the first cocktail party to which all members had been invited took place which was attended by about 800 people.

bp society team

The society team includes the bp society President, Council members and support team members. The Council is responsible for the overall conduct of the society and consists of several members, including the Honorary Secretary and the Honorary Treasurer, and two representatives from the regions, which would normally be the Coordinator. They are elected by the members of the society present at the AGM. Three Council members will retire annually by rotation and will be eligible for re-election. The Council may in its discretion co-opt members for the purpose of filling any vacancies which arise or to cover any specific skills required. The Council meets all Regional Coordinators at least once a year, either by visiting the Region or at an annual informal meeting prior to the AGM.

Brian Gilvary

Brian Gilvary


Iain Macdonald

Iain Macdonald

(Council Member)

Kate Owen

Kate Owen

Deputy Chair
(Council Member)

Cathy Dunn

Cathy Dunn

Honorary Secretary
(Council Member)

Sandy Duncan

Honorary Treasurer
(Council Member)

Dominic Emery

Dominic Emery

Ex Officio
(Council Member)

John Bartlett

John Bartlett

Ex Officio
(Council Member)

Mike Brookes

Mike Brookes

Regional Coordinators' Representative
(Council Member)

Keith Austin

Keith Austin

Regional Coordinators' Representative
(Council Member)

Elaine Bush

Elaine Bush

Administration Secretary
(Support Team Member)

Peter Lay

Peter Lay

Newsletter Editor
(Support Team Member)

Helen Dunning

Helen Dunning

IT / Website
(Support Team Member)

Questions about membership?

If you would like to find out more about the benefits of membership or the application procedure please contact us below and we will be happy to help.