
Happy Anniversary

If you would like us to publish a significant wedding or civil partnership anniversary, please send us details, including your first, or known names, and the town where you live. We offer our congratulations to the following members: John and Pauline Belliss of Swansea, 60 years in JulyMargaret and Roy Cadle of Churchdown, 60 years […]

Remembering Aberfan

Following our story of how the Llandarcy Refinery provided support to the emergency services during the Aberfan disaster on 21 October 1966 in our August bps news, I’m grateful to Leslie (Les) Rees, ex BP Chemicals, Baglan Bay, South Wales, for pointing out that the Pantglas Junior School clock, which stopped at 09.13 on that terrible day, is now on display at The Welsh Heritage Museum at St Fagans, south Wales.

‘Anniversaries’ – are we inclusive?

Michael Peck raised an interesting point about whether we are inclusive when reporting significant wedding anniversaries. Michael emailed the following: ‘I’ve just received a copy of the August bps news and on page 22 it talks about significant wedding anniversaries of 50, 55 or 60 years. I feel this is discriminative against lesbian, gay and […]


Candles and Lillies

We are sorry to record the following deaths of society members, and offer our condolences to their families and friends. Mr Kelvin Appleton (83) of BeverleyMrs Jean Bedford (95) of WokingMr Malcolm Belby (84) of BarryMr Andrew Bell (77) of SonningMrs Jean Benson (83) of NorthfleetMr Peter Blascos (93) of Bishops StortfordMr Alan Boyne (79) […]

Is it ‘bp’ or ‘BP’? Make your mind up

I’m grateful to Michael Ridd for taking me to task over the use of ‘bp’ and ‘BP’ in bps news, and he makes an interesting suggestion. Michael writes: ’Many, perhaps most, members of this society were employed by a company known the world over as BP. But then, in recent years, the company changed its […]

Sir Peter Walters (1931-2023)

Sir Peter Walters

Sir Peter Walters was the chairman of BP from 1981 until 1990. During his tenure he transformed the company into a top-rank international oil company. In chairing the company through almost the entire eighties, Sir Peter proved a special master of the art of managing a large company through a period of stagnant markets and […]

Canada: bp’s third long-term LNG offtake contract with Woodfibre, BC

In September bp entered its third long-term liquefied natural gas (LNG) offtake contract from the Woodfibre LNG facility based in British Columbia (BC), Canada. With the additional contract to offtake 0.45 million tonnes of LNG per year (mtpa) for 15 years on a free on board basis, all of the LNG production from the Woodfibre […]

India: Production begins from third deepwater field in KG D6 block

In June, Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) and bp confirmed the commencement of production from the MJ field, following testing and commissioning activities. The MJ field represents the last of three major new deepwater developments the RIL-bp consortium have brought into production in block KG D6 off the east coast of India. The start of gas […]

The Netherlands: bp and OMV sign a 10-year LNG supply agreement

British Partner LNG tanker

bp and OMV announced the signing in July of a long-term sale and purchase agreement (SPA) covering the supply of up to 1 million tonnes of liquefied natural gas (LNG) per year for 10 years from 2026. Under the terms of the agreement, bp will provide OMV with LNG from its diverse and global portfolio […]