Late Lunch and Tour of Police Museum

Please note, those coming will be asked for menu choices nearer the time as menus will have changed by then. All drinks other than table water to be at own expense.

1. Number of Attendees
Select the number of attendees. You and your first guest receive a discount. Subsequent guests pay the full price.

There are no tickets left available for purchase.

2. Your Ticket Details
Ticket information. If a menu is available, please select menu items to be served to you during the event.
Emergency Phone Number *
We are required to call this number in case of emergency.

Additional Notes
Additional notes regarding the member's ticket
3. First Guest Name and Information
Ticket information. If a menu is available, please select menu items to be served to your first guest during the event.
First guest name *
Your first guest's first name and last name
First guest Emergency Phone Number *
We are required to call this number in case of emergency.

Guest Additional Notes
Additional notes regarding the member's ticket
4. Second Guest Name and Information
Ticket information. If a menu is available, please select menu items to be served to your second guest during the event.
Second guest name *
Your second guest's first name and last name
Second guest Emergency Phone Number *
We are required to call the number provided in case of emergency.

Guest Additional Notes
Additional notes regarding the member's ticket