Kate Thomson confirmed as bp CFO

On 2 February the board of bp announced that Kate Thomson had been appointed bp chief financial officer (CFO) and would join bp’s board, both with immediate effect. Kate had been interim CFO since September 2023.

Helge Lund, bp chair, commented: “I am delighted to confirm Kate’s appointment as CFO and welcome her to the board. She has a detailed understanding of bp and the energy and finance sectors, combined with deep technical expertise. Her record of finance leadership, together with her performance as interim CFO, has clearly demonstrated her suitability to become bp’s permanent CFO. The board looks forward to working with Kate and Murray as we continue with the execution of bp’s strategy.”

Before taking on the role of interim CFO, Kate was bp’s senior vice president, finance for production & operations, responsible for the financial stewardship of and commercial partnering with the business globally. She has been with bp since 2004, previously holding a number of senior financial roles, including group treasurer and group head of tax.

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