Keeping it in the family

Photo: Margaret’s father, John Law Gibb, playing golf in Abadan. Interestingly, though not a golfer, Steve took the same set of clubs to Das Island some 40 years later and played a round on the unique golf course on Das. I’m grateful to Steve and Margaret Elms from Maidstone in Kent for emailing me with […]
By-ron by Clive

I’m indebted to Clive Brookes for emailing us with news of his latest book – ‘Byron and the Sea’. Clive wrote the book to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the death of the poet Lord Byron on 19 April 1824 and tells us that it’s been well received by academics and the general public alike. […]
Sympathy and a fascinating story of a gold key
I’m grateful to Valerie Cook from Upper Beeding in West Sussex for emailing me and expressing sympathy with my ‘tumbleweed moment’ as mentioned in the February 2024 newsletter. Valerie writes: ‘Over the years I’ve edited several club/society magazines and newsletters and have had many of those moments. I was always left with the same thought […]
Man with a mission – an update

Following our ‘Man with a mission’ article under ‘Life after bp’ in the November bps news, I’ve received an update from Nevin Stewart, former bp synthetic chemist and BP Research team leader, about his band keratopathy (BK) research proposal. There’s a lot to take in. However, I’ve included the detail here to highlight what can […]
Das at Christmas
I’m grateful to Steve Elms for his email regarding the November bps news. Steve writes: ‘The archive tales section – Das Island Christmas Show 1973 – was very interesting for me. While I was not present in 1973, I was in the audience in 1975, 76, 77 and 81. As we all used to say: […]