Memories of Port Harcourt

In 1970, with the Nigerian civil war coming to an end, the partners in the Nigeria Petroleum Refining Company (NPRC) — a joint venture between the Nigerian government, Shell and BP — began working on plans to reopen the company’s Port Harcourt Refinery, which was shut for the two-year duration of the war. As part […]


We are sorry to record the following deaths of society members, and offer our condolences to their families and friends. Mr Albert Aldous (95) of GillinghamMr Royston Aley (94) of ColytonMrs Lizzie Allen (107) of DundeeMrs Norma Barnes (96) of NorwichMrs Audrey Bartle (101) of CarlisleMr Michael Bennell (89) of SeafordMrs Doris Bennett (99) of […]


Happy Anniversary

If you would like us to publish a significant wedding or civil partnership anniversary, please send us details, including your first, or known names, and the town where you live. We offer our congratulations to the following members. Patricia and John Alexander of Dundee, 65 Years in July Patricia & Tony Busby of Verwood, Dorset, […]

bps & the fountain of youth

“Reading bps news”, writes East Wales regional organiser Frank Byrne, “I was surprised to learn of the great age of some of the Society’s members, especially Alan Mackley, who is looking very healthy as he starts his 100th decade!”

An early adopter

Many thanks to Eric Martin of Surrey for sharing the following insight into BP’s early adoption of environmental assessments and his role in these. “Earlier this month [July]”, Eric writes, ”I found myself talking to the Men’s Group at my local church [about] how in the years when I worked for BP (1960 to 2000) […]

Christopher (Chris) Willy (1929-2024)

It is with great sadness that we have to report the death of Chris Willy on 6 July 2024. Chris spent two action-packed decades at BP, which he joined in 1960, initially in the Middle East and latterly North Africa and London. These are summarized below by Chris’s godson and fellow bp pensioner, David Pilcher, […]

Back to Kirkuk

bp looks set to return to the Kirkuk region of Iraq, five years after pulling out at the end of an earlier contract. In August, it said that it had signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Iraq to negotiate an energy redevelopment programme for Kirkuk, covering power generation and new solar facilities, as well […]

bp to sell US onshore wind assets

bp has announced plans to divest bp Wind Energy, which operates nine onshore windfarms in six US states with 1.7 GW of gross installed capacity, and has a stake in Hawaii’s 25 MW Auwahi plant. The sale, which some industry analysts have estimated could be worth around $2 billion, is expected to be launched this […]

Michael Turnbull

Michael Turnbull passed away on Saturday 14 September 2024, peacefully with family at his side, at Forth Valley Royal Hospital. Janette Fraser, his daughter said “Dad was 85 and retired from BP Chemicals, Grangemouth in 1999. He worked as a chartered Chemical Engineer and was with BP from 1963, mainly in Grangemouth but with a […]

Celebrating summer in the city

Over 50 members and guests showed up for the society’s annual summer party at bp’sSt James Square headquarters on 18 July. The company was congenial, the gossip fun, and the organisation — as ever — superb. Guests described the buffet as wonderful and the wine excellent!