
Happy Anniversary

If you would like us to publish a significant wedding or civil partnership anniversary, please send us details, including your first, or known names, and the town where you live.

We offer our congratulations to the following members.

Tony and Carole Bilsdon of Hemel Hempstead, 60 years in August.

Graham and Pat Elliott of Thatcham, 55 years in June.

Chris and Liz Frost of Epsom, Surrey, 55 years in September.

Wynne and Marie James of Pontardawe, 50 years in September.

Jean and Colin Lewis of Baglan, 65 years in June.

Ron and Joyce Merrett of San Antonio, Texas, USA, 65 years in August.

David and Felicity Parsons of Faygate, 60 years in July.

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