
Happy Anniversary

If you would like us to publish a significant wedding anniversary (50th, 55th, 60th), please send us details, including your first, or known names, and the town where you live.

We offer our congratulations to the following members:

Keith and Pat Austin of Gillingham, Kent, 55 years in September
Peter and Ann Briggs of Budleigh Salterton, 60 years in May (photo)
Barry and Mary Brown of Walsall, 60 years in July
Alan and Brenda Crowe of Harpenden, 60 years in April (photo)
Stanley and Doris Durham of Harston, Cambridgeshire, 70 years in April
Mike and Susan Egan of Princes Risborough, 55 years in February
Ted and Doreen Ferguson of Normandy, France, 65 years in June
Paul and Christine Jackson of Highcliffe, Dorset, 50 years in August
Audrey and Vincent James of Clydach, Swansea, 60 years in September
Roy and Irene Lainton of Hemel Hempstead 50 years in September
Malcolm and Carole Lynn of Hilton, Cambridgeshire, 50 years in September
Duncan and Annette Makin of Newport, 50 years in February
John and Gloria Notzing of Swansea, 65 years in May
Jan and Dave Tomlin of Great Dunmow, 60 years in July

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