Friendships made while working for BP in the 1970s and 80s are still strong according to Felicity Tarbard. Felicity kindly sent us a photo of a recent gathering of ladies who worked together back in the mid-1970s, mostly in Personnel.
Felicity writes: ‘One person was missing from our gathering, who wasn’t well on the day, and this was Sylvia Garwood, who worked in Exploration. Sylvia was sorely missed.
‘We meet up once a year, usually in Westfield, Stratford, which is fairly easy for everyone to get to from London, Suffolk, Essex, Dorset and Surrey. The reunion had to stop during lockdown but soon picked up afterwards and it’s always a joy to renew the old friendships.’
Photo: From left to right, the ladies, together with where they worked, are:
Julie Harris (Shipping and Personnel); Lisa Freedman (Personnel); Winifred Cattermole (Human Resources); Sharon Cable; Felicity Tarbard (Public Affairs & Information, Personnel); Valerie Ball (Exploration, Personnel); Rosalyn Comyn-Noyes (Personnel); Millicent Chang (Manpower Planning in Britannic House, then Engineering Personnel in West Britannic and then Uxbridge).